Sunday, July 12, 2009

When to Use Estar

How you feel and where you are, that is when you use ESTAR
(not the only time, of course...)
Hope it helps you decide when to use estar....

How to pronounce Words ending in "TY" in English

Words that end in "ty" in English, will usually end in "dad" en Spanish. They will also be female words.
University= universidad
creativity: creatividad
city: ciudad
relativity; relatividad
pity: piedad

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Echar de menos

La expression del día es:
Echar de Menos
Verbo: Extrañar.
To miss someone.

Te echo de menos (I miss you) = Te extraño
Echo de menos la comida de mi país. Extraño la comida de mi país.

Y tú, que echas de menos?


Have you ever regret something? Alguna vez te has arrenpentido de algo?
Today's verb is: TO REGRET. El verbo de hoy es: arrepentirse
Note that it is a reflexive... Yo me..... Tu te.... El se.... etc...


Presente (Pretérito)

Yo me arrepiento (arrepentí)
Tú te arrepientes (arrepentiste)
El se arrepiente (arrepintió)
Ellos se arrepienten (arrepintieron)
nosotros nos arrepentimos (arrepentimos)

A "tip" to help you remember:
La serpiente (serpent) se arrepiente makes no sense but it rimes and it may help you remember the verb.. :-)

Aqui te envio un enlace para que veas un video con la letra y el sonido de dos canciones, Uno se llama: "Me arrepiento" y al otro: "No me arrepiento"

Aqui otro dicho (saying)
"Vale más hacer y arrepentirse, que no hacer y arrepentirse"

Y tu, te arrepientes de algo?
or, No regrets? :

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Other ways to Say Hello: Hola!

Cómo estás? “bien”

Qué hay de nuevo? “nada” or “no mucho”

Quiubo”? (shorten from: Qué hubo?)

Qué tal? “bien”, “mas o menos”

Cómo andas? “bien,” “mas o menos”

Cómo van las cosas? “bien,” “mas o menos”

If you are really having a bad day: “mal”, pésimo, “ni te cuento”

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Tener que + infinitive is one way to express obligation or necessity.

This expression can be translated as "someone has to do something."
I have to...., You have to..., he has to...., etc..
Tener is conjugated according to the subject of the sentence.

Tengo que ahorrar dinero.
I have to save money.

El tiene que leer el periódico.
He has to read the newspaper.

Ellos tienen que comprar una revista.
They have to buy a magazine

Hay que + infinitive is used to express the idea of "one must do something" or, "it is necessary to do something." It is a more general expression and since there is no subject, the verb form hay is always used.

Hay que tomar un taxi.
It is necessary to take a taxi.

Hay que estudiar mucho.
One must study a lot.