Monday, October 27, 2008

Palabras que terminan en "ENT" & "ANT"

Most words that end in "ENT" or "ANT" in English, are translated into Spanish by just adding The letter "e" at the end... so: isntead of ENT, it would be "ENTE" and instead of "ANT": "Ante"...
President: Presidente
Instant: Instante
Excellent: Excelente!!
Convenient: Conveniente

Esto es muy conveniente!! This is very convenient!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Useful expression: PUES....

PUES: It is similar to well, then, ummm..., let's see...

You can use it when you are thinking what to say and would like a few seconds to make up your answer :-)

Let's say someone asks you if you want to baby-sit ... and you say
"Pues... (insert your thoughts here)... no se, tengo que ver..." mmm.. I don't know, I have to see..

- Quieres ir al cine conmigo?
-pues... si, esta bien, vamos.

-Como te parece ese chico?
-pues.... no se... me parece un poco tímido

-Como se dice: "I know"?
-Pues....(while you search your brain) no me acuerdo :-) .. Ah si! Yo se!

Monday, October 20, 2008

If you know English, You Know Spanish

There are some words that are often identical in Spanish and English (works about 95% of the time). Here is an easy way to increase your vocabulary in just minutes:

1. Words that end in "OR", for example: doctor, color, error, favor, exterior, superior
Same in Spanish (make sure you stress out the last syllable... for example: doc-TOR, faVOR, etc)

2. Words that end in "AL" for example: animal, natural, social (again, stress the last syllable)

3. Words that end in "BLE", for example: formidable, inevitable, flexible (the stress goes on the next to last syllable! : formiDAble, ineviTAble, etc.)

Espero que esta informacion le ayude a recordar mas palabras.

Words that end in "tion" in English

Words that end in “tion” will end in ción” in Spanish (this rules works about 95% of the time) as you probably know by now, there are many exceptions to the rules in Spanish

Construction: Construcción
Instruction: Instrucción
Exception : excepción
Imagination: imaginación

Be careful with translation.. because it is NOT translacion it is: traducción

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Spanish "quiero"

Quiero+ verb in infinite form.
Quiero saber= I want to know
Quiero comprar = I want to buy
Quiero ir= I want to go
Quiero comer = I want to eat
Quiero decir= I want to say (or I mean to say)

In addition, if you want to say: I want to know it, or I want to buy it.... or I want to (infinitive verb)it... just add "lo":
Quiero saberlo (I want to know it)
Quiero Comprarlo (I want to buy it)
Quiero decirlo (I want to say it)