Monday, October 20, 2008

If you know English, You Know Spanish

There are some words that are often identical in Spanish and English (works about 95% of the time). Here is an easy way to increase your vocabulary in just minutes:

1. Words that end in "OR", for example: doctor, color, error, favor, exterior, superior
Same in Spanish (make sure you stress out the last syllable... for example: doc-TOR, faVOR, etc)

2. Words that end in "AL" for example: animal, natural, social (again, stress the last syllable)

3. Words that end in "BLE", for example: formidable, inevitable, flexible (the stress goes on the next to last syllable! : formiDAble, ineviTAble, etc.)

Espero que esta informacion le ayude a recordar mas palabras.

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